Monday, June 25, 2007


I broke down and finally got a Blackberry. Now, I can be like most of the other idiots out there who are addicted to this thing. (I have checked my e-mail 16 times in the 38 seconds that it has taken me to draft this. Nothing new or exciting to report, but I will let you know the moment it does. Hold on, I need to check my e-mail (#17) before finishing this blog.) Because I like to look on the bright side once every few years, I will now be able to blog in real time. Let the banality (#18 - e-mail from The Boss arrived) begin!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Yes, Sir!

Last night, the teenager next door was having a party. Unable to sleep because of the noise, I went outside onto our deck and yelled across the yard to please keep it quiet.

My request was answered with a sharp, "Yes, Sir!" From his response, it is clear that he knew better than to mezz with A Member of the Gang Formerly Known as the Palm Street Gang. I am just glad that it was dark and he could not see my jammies with its skiing moose pattern or that I did not have to bring out The Boss to rough things up.

Peace out. Palm.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Use the Force

On Saturday, while The Boss was picking up lunch at Whole Foods, just as Luke Skywalker reached out to Leia through the Force as he hung upside down under the Cloud City on Bespin after his lightsaber dual with Lord Vader in The Empire Strikes Back, I reached out to her with the Force and thought, "Cookies." She returned with some of my favorite cookies, thus providing tangible proof of my prowess with the Force. The Boss says that she bought the cookies because she knows that I am always thinking about cookies, but it was The Force.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

As It Should Be

Last night, before going to sleep, the house was quiet and the stars were shinning above the fog. I took comfort in the thought that everything is as it should be:

Her Grayness was asleep in her crib

Rowdy was snoozing in his crate

Paris Hilton was in her cell

Friday, June 8, 2007

Diet Coke with Vitamins

As my readers know, I am always looking to try something new, so long as it remains within narrow, predefined parameters that deviate from the accepted norm by only a very minute margin, if any.

Armed with this devil-may-care attitude (and The Force), I tried Diet Coke with Vitamins. Let me just say that I am sticking with the original DC. I would also like to make it clear to the executives of Coca-Cola that I do not drink Diet Coke for its nutritional value.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Spider-Man 3

Superman or your average Jedi could kick his butt. I was not impressed.

Friday, June 1, 2007

The Cycle

Last night, I hit every green light on Franklin. I love it when that happens.